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  • Vu Luu

Politics, Philosophy, or Law: Which career path would best suit you?

by Vu Luu

The dreaded uncertainty every undergraduate student seems to find difficult resolving, is whether or not they’ll be able land their dream job after their time at university. Many students, even in their final year find it difficult to pinpoint what job they want to do, or what sector they wish to work in. The question remains then, what is it that you do when you’re stuck in that situation?

To propose some sort of solve, we must first establish that the need to land an internship during and then a job right on after university is a highly outdated concept, and one that many have found to have added unnecessary pressure throughout their university years. When you look to your right and see your friend attain an internship at a highly reputable law firm, or the next big tech start up, does that necessarily mean they have surpassed you?

In my opinion, internships are meant to determine your passion and interest in a specific field,or to explore a sector new to you. Once your intellectual curiosity has been sparked, the internship then serves as a useful (but not necessary) platform which propels you further into that career path. Whatever your academic passion is - whether it be coding, psychology study, or research into history and law - this is the real drive to helping you attain your so-called ‘dream job’. This same passion will keep you intrigued and captivated over the years, and one does not need an internship to determine what it is that makes you want to learn more about a topic.

The university itself offers differing experiences and activities to which help you attain the necessary skills, whether it will be societal work, or even the Careers team in the University House giving advice and listening to your concerns. When it comes to careers after university, it is always a tricky and difficult question, but doing what you love is always a good start.

If you have determined what you want to do, look deep in the field and see if there are any relevant experiences both locally, but also courses online you can take considering current circumstances. Employers also offer mentoring schemes, unpaid shadowing experiences, or even sit ins, all of which is designed to give you the relevant experiences and knowledge you need to excel at the job you wish to pursue.

Be sure to think ahead, and not be afraid to use the resources you have around you: whether the teaching body, university services, and even friends to help you determine the right path and career. Societies such as The Warwick PPL Society offer career panels which offer valuable insight into the likes of the financial sector, tech. Make use of the society events offered within university, as they provide a great look, and will help you extensively in determining the right path for you.

Just last month, the PPL Society held a student led panel which saw both Warwick alumni and current students discussing their respective career paths and experiences. Sonali, a Warwick PPE alumni discussed her current role as a Deloitte Consultant in the Human Capital Consultant and how she made the transition from University to the busy working life in London. On the other hand, Alara - a Law finalist - spoke about how she achieved her commercial law training contract and how her first year internships indeed confirmed her interest in this sector. Ben, currently studying PPL spoke about the start up industry and his experiences last summer working in that domain. He provided invaluable advice for students who wish to work in new startups and those who are unsure about their career paths.

Do be on the lookout for more panels and events from Warwick PPL Society this coming year, as we look to further provide our members with valuable insights and career experiences.

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